
Class Curriculum

Capital Kids Curriculum

Here at Capital Kids Childcare Center we value each and every child and their family. We work with families to make sure they have input into their child’s day. Children learn a short prayer starting in our 1-year-old room before meals. We have a monthly bible verse which every class works into their curriculum according to the ages and stages within their classroom, this curriculum is theme-based and developmentally appropriate.


ASQ: The ASQ’s are done in the winter to help access children’s development through their ages and stages.


Experience Early Learning Curriculum: Mother Goose Time Curriculum is used for the developmental growth of students social emotional and academic learning. Our Experience God Curriculum provides students with engaging biblical stories, encouraging your student to come to know God, and develop a personal relationship with Him. Capital Kids uses the assessments available from this curriculum in the early Spring and Fall to assess all children’s progress in class.


Infant room from 1 month-a child’s first birthday


In our infant room we cater to every child’s individual needs. Parents fill out information each morning on how their child’s morning has gone, and our teachers finish out this form with the child’s day. Infants get tummy time, small motor, gross motor, and stories read to them every day. Infants also enjoy outdoor stroller rides when weather permits. When a child reaches 11 months parents will partner with the director and teachers to ease transition from their current classroom to the 1-year-old classroom (Waddler Room).


Waddlers from 12-18 months old


In our Waddler room, children learn to adapt to 1 nap per day, sippy cups and more group play. Children learn to sit in a small chair, listen to a short circle time. Children also begin to experiment with arts and crafts and many sensory activities solo and group. Waddlers do fine motor, gross motor, free play and individual and well as group play every day. Our Waddlers go outside twice per day, to enjoy the playground or to take a stroller rides to look at nature. When a child is approaching developmental readiness the teachers in both classrooms will work with the parents to make classroom transition smooth.


Toddler room 18 months to 2 ½ years old


Teachers fill out a daily Toddler gram, letting parents have a glimpse of their child’s day along with communication about any needs the child might have such as diapers, wipes, pull ups or a change of clothes. Toddlers enjoy many arts& crafts, fine & gross motor activities, circle time and much more. Toddlers go outside to the playground 2 times per day. At mealtimes Toddlers learn how to serve themselves with a little help from their teachers, they learn to drink from small cups with no lids and begin to eat more with small spoons and forks. The CDC assessment is now done at 18 months and 2 years old. Teachers begin to work with the parents and children on potty training in this class.

When a child turns 29-30 months old the parents and the director signs a transitions form detailing how often the child will visit our 2 1/2 -3 ½ our Pre-k 1 room.


Pre-K 1 rooms children ages 2 ½ to 4 year old


Teachers put out a “What I did today “on a board so parents can ask their children about what the learned and did that day. Children enjoy much more peer play in these rooms. Some may still be working on potty training too. They enjoy fine and gross motor, arts & crafts and involved circle time learning numbers, letters, and the spelling of their names. This class goes out to the playground twice per day. Our Pre- K 1 classes serve themselves meals and snacks and learn to pass food to one another. Children also get to begin group field trips such as our annual Pumpkin Patch field trip in Oct. and the public library and more. Preschool assessments are done twice per year and conferences with the teachers are available at this time.


Pre-k 2 rooms children ages 3 ½ to 5 and not yet in kindergarten


This room has our children before they enter kindergarten. Our Pre-K2 children practice their letters numbers and the spelling of their name. They work hard on listening and doing a very extensive circle time. The teachers work with each family to make sure their child is ready for kindergarten. Children need to be fully potty trained to enter into this classroom. . Children go on group field trips such as our annual Pumpkin Patch field trip in Oct. and the public library and more. Preschool assessments are done twice per year and conferences with the teachers are available at this time. Parents are encouraged to ask questions about their child’s day and are also free to open communication with teachers concerning their child’s day and progress.


School age kindergarten- 12 years old


Pleasant Glade School in the North Thurston school district drops off and picks up kids. Children enjoy daily outside time, arts & crafts, and daily reading time. During school vacations children experience weekly field trips weekly water play, weekly theater outings and weekly trips to local parks for a picnic lunch. They also get to participate and to experience “The Ranch” a whole week out on CCC’s Tenino property, children are bused to and from the camp daily from the center. Our school age children have a large gym type room with many activities available to them.